St. Louis Cremation

Rosamonde Zinzer

Beloved wife of the late Herman J. Zinzer entered the Kingdom of God on Sunday, November 29, 2015 at the age of 98.
Rosamonde is survived by son, Donald Zinzer, daughter Rosamonde Parker (the late James Parker), grandchildren Christian Parker ( Linda), Leslie Weidner (Dave), great grandchildren Cameron Parker, Mallory Parker and James Weidner.
A long time resident of Webster Groves, Missouri, she enjoyed her family and her home Rosamonde was an excellent cook, and avid reader and enjoyed crocheting and playing bridge with her friends.
Memorial may be made to the Paralyzed Veterans of America or a charity of choice.
Services will be private.



  1. Guy S Knox on December 3, 2015 at 9:49 am

    Dear Don & Bitsy: So sorry to hear of Aunt Rosamondes passing! We all loved her and your dad. They were wonderful people. I’m glad I got a chance to see her those few years ago at dinner. I will always remember all of our family gatherings during the special holidays like Christmas, thanksgiving, Easter etc. I know she is with God now! Love Guy, Denyse,Tracy,Cynde & Kristin

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