St. Louis Cremation - RGN

Ruth Georgeann Nelson

Ruth Georgeann (Pepper) Nelson passed away on August 2nd at Crystal Oaks Skilled Nursing Center in Crystal City, MO. She was 78.

Ruth was a polio survivor and bravely spent the past 60 years of her life unable to walk and with minimal use of her arms and hands. She was an inspiration to many who knew her.

She will be greatly missed by her children June Nadine (Donald) Ginkel, Deborah Ruth (Robert) Gibson, and Carla Robin (Thomas) Kelly; her grandchildren Chad and Todd Swiercinsky, Carl Robert (Dawn) Gibson, Geoffrey, Joelle and Stanley Russell Gibson, Aloha, Dustin and Noelani Kelly; and her great-grandchildren Morgan and Kaitlyn Gibson, Saturn Walter, and Connor Miller. She was preceded in death by her parents George and Norma Pepper, her brother Robert Pepper and her grandson, T.J. Swiercinsky.

A private memorial service will be held for the family at a later time.


  1. Katherine Fanella on August 16, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Dear Dine, Debbie, and Robin,
    I read with sorrow of the passing of your mother. I remember that when we were young, I was so inspired by your mother’s courage and resourcefulness. She always managed that beautiful smile even when I’m sure it was hard for her. Blessings to you and your families.

    Kathy Fanella

  2. Pat (Kelly) Pfeiffer on August 16, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    Ruth was one of the nicest people and certainly one of the bravest. She didn’t seem to be aware of her “disability” and just helped in the ways that she could. I always enjoyed her company at all of our family get togethers over the years. I know how much she meant to all of you and I am truly sorry for your loss. Ruth and her family will remain in my thoughts and my prayers. God Bless!

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