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Ruth Karimi

Ruth Marie Karimi, 60, died July 7th, 2020 in her home in Ballwin, Missouri where her daughter, Jordan, was living with and taking care of her.

She was born April 23, 1960 in St. Louis, Missouri to Robert (Bob) and Shirley Park. Bob managed the Parkmoor restaurant where he worked 58 years, many of them alongside his wife, and later their children. Ruthie loved Parkmoor and recalled it often and with pride.

Ruthie worked as a Nurse and Nursing Supervisor at St. Mary’s and was beloved by all. To the nurses of 2-West and to Dr. Xynos – for your wonderful and loving care – we are forever grateful.

Ruthie met her husband Rasoul at the Parkmoor in 1978, they were married the same year.

Ruthie is a bleeding heart liberal, loved her some Tom Petty, Claire de Lune, watching old movies, eating ice cream with her favorite sister Mary, thrifting, gardening, and drinking wine. Ruthie volunteered her time at Circle of Concern and loved the Salvation Army slogan, “heart to God, hand to man”.

Ruthie loved spending time with her grandchildren and was happy to have a relationship with her oldest granddaughter, Layla. She devoted her time to the care of others and was the primary caregiver to her father, until his passing in 2017. She loved him dearly and referenced him often.

Ruthie’s favorite thing in life, and perhaps the thing she was best at, was being a mom. She described her love with a quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: “Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” Her love and dedication to her children far surpassed the speaker’s love for the subject for whom the quote was meant. Her love for her children, and her children’s love for her is eternal and ever present.

Ruthie is survived by: husband Rasoul; children Clayton (Melissa), Nathan (Jo), Jordan (Nick); grandchildren, Layla Marie, Maren Ruth, Lillian Ruth; her siblings, Mary Becker (Ron); Robert Park Jr. (Dianne) and David Park (Laura); her many nieces and nephews, sisters and brother of her husband, and their husbands all who loved her. She will be missed and remembered forever.

She was preceded in death by her brother, Danny Park.

Due to COVID, we will be postponing the memorial service for a later date.



  1. Rasoul Karimi Ruth’s husband on July 14, 2020 at 7:02 am

    Became sad , emotional
    The five minute video was very impressive the truth about her most honest person I ever see is her husband Rasoul .

  2. Charlotte Fuller on July 14, 2020 at 10:41 am

    What a beautiful mother and friend Ruth was . Her generous, warm and funny disposition made it a joy to be around her. Wishing all the Karimi’s peace as they remember what a gift Ruth was to so many.
    Much Love,
    Charlotte Fuller

  3. Sarah Zimbelmann on July 14, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    Even if I wrote an infinite pages on how fantastic she was, it wouldn’t be enough to describe her wonderful personality. Truly an angel on earth. She’ll forever be with us. I’ll never forget the first time I met her, she was my “Dear Abby” and my dearest older sister. We had 30+ years of laughter and pure enjoyment, but never any hardship. I miss her every second. As long as I live I’ll never forget my beautiful sister and my best friend ❤️

  4. Afsaneh Canatoy on July 14, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    I often saw Ruthie as not a human, but a true angle, she was kind, warm, considerate, joyful and funny. she was my rock, for over 30 years, I had a best friend, someone who loved me so unconditionally, who I could talk to about anything, laugh about everything. She had such an impact in my life. Even she is not here with us physically I can sense her all around me. She for ever has a special place in my heart. I’m so grateful and honored to know her and to call her my sister. I miss her terribly, I miss our phone calls, drinking wine, I miss you taking me around your house and showing me your finds at the thrif shops, I missed you sending pictures of layla and then wanting me to call you and talk about her. Ruthie I hope you see us your people who love you, who miss you who remember, and who will never forget. We will celebrate you in ways big and small, today and every day until we meet again.
    I love you

  5. Deana Parsons on July 14, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    I know Ruth left a lot of people here who will miss her every day until we meet again (and we will). As a sister, sister-in-law, wife, aunt, mother and friend, she was as good as they come. I looked forward to seeing her social media posts about the man in the Oval Office and her support of liberal causes. It’s too bad she wasn’t in government 🙂 I think the first time I realized she was a kindred spirit was when she jumped in the pool with me (with our street clothes on) after the last swim meet one year, after she’d stayed late to help us clean up! I enjoyed having a glass of wine with her and talking about so many things – she always made you feel like you were the most important person she knew. She has wisdom she doesn’t realize she has. She also has three wonderful children and now three wonderful grandchildren – I know she’ll be watching over all of them as they grow and mature. Much love and comfort to the Karimi family, and much love to Ruthie!

  6. Judy Russell on July 14, 2020 at 8:39 pm

    What a difficult task, to present this Wonder Woman is a way for all who loved her to see. She left this world a lot happier, with her sweet sons and daughter, beautiful babies, and endearing friends. I admired her passion. I enjoyed her humor. She personified hospitality any given day. She also left this world a bit sadder, as Ruth uniquely brought a particular kind of sunshine we won’t see again until, God willing, we all reunite in heaven.

  7. Brandon Balk on July 15, 2020 at 8:49 am

    If there was one word to describe Ruth Karimi I think it would have to be “Angel”, and I don’t mean that in terms of right now. Mrs Karimi was probably the nicest, Most genuine, pure hearted individual I have ever met. Every time I saw her she Had a smile on her face and always gave me a big hug. “Hi sweetie” was her famous line. She spoke her mind, and mean what she said. Ruth was always in our corner in life. She supported her children no matter the cause and I felt that same love with my wife and I. I grew up knowing her for over 20 years.. The world took a huge loss when Mrs Karimi passed away… I will miss you dearly. Thank you for the wonderful memories and love you shared

  8. Pat Spencer on July 15, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    So saddened by this news. Ruth’s laugh is contagious. Enjoyed working at Ssm with her. Truly a wonderful lady.

  9. Bonnie and Matt Azimi on July 15, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    We will remember Ruth as being a kind and generous soul. God Bless you Ruth, I’m sure you made it easy for Him. Love, Bonnie and Matty

  10. Lucy Fuller on July 15, 2020 at 1:37 pm

    I will always remember the amazing cook
    Ruthie was. She was so humble but everything she made was exception. She introduced me to Persian food, shelter animals, and “causal” blue eyeshadow. She had a way of making you feel right at home in her house. Ruthie was a second mother to me, and I am always going to be grateful for the wisdom and support she shared. There is a quote from Yoko ono, that says something like “Before John (Lennon) died we were together 90% of the time. Since he has passed away we are together 100% of the time.“ and that’s how I feel. Ruthie you are with me 100% of the time.

  11. Betty Chandler on July 15, 2020 at 2:30 pm

    As I write this words are memorable describing Ruthie. She was such a beautiful individual one of a kind I’m so grateful I had the privilege of meeting her. I met her at Pierremont Elementary School during kindergarten orientation. Her son Nathan and my son Derek were starting school. They became friends and have remained friends and Ruthie and I became friends that was twenty five years ago. I enjoyed visiting her having a glass of wine talking and laughing. She was funny, witty, caring, thoughtful and always available to listen. I admired her humor and wittiness. Ruthie has three wonderful children and three adorable granddaughters that she adored. Ruthie loved her family and friends.
    Ruthie will be in my heart and memories forever.
    Wishing the Karimi family strength and peace during this difficult time.
    Love Betty

  12. Jordan Karimi on July 15, 2020 at 9:36 pm

    Love of my life. I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart.

  13. Zahraa Alqassab on July 16, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    I never met Ruth but heard a lot about her. It is very sad to hear this news .. She went through difficult times however she was very stronge. Her beautiful smile in each picture was showing her strength along with her beautiful soul. Good people always leave fast … May her soul rest in peace.

  14. Farah and jack on July 16, 2020 at 2:39 pm

    You were the true human being that all of us try to be, witty, kind, generous and may have left us but you always be in our heart
    Farah and jack

  15. Elizabeth Barmeier on July 16, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Ruth was one of the strongest, funniest, most caring and loving human I have known.
    Her beautiful singing and hilarious wit brightened up every room she entered.
    She was a second mom to many, if not all of her children’s friends including myself.
    Ruth wasn’t a regular mom, she was a cool mom where it was a pleasure to be in her warm, comforting presence.
    Her wisdom, strength, love and humor she has shared over the years will always stay with me.
    Rest in peace, Mama Karimi.

  16. Shayla Cook on July 18, 2020 at 10:54 am

    The words in my head and in my heart for Ruth could never be summed up into one comment. From age 12-19 I probably spent more time at her house than my own, and I was always welcomed there with open arms. For that, I will forever be grateful. She treated me like her own child, and she was like a second mom to me. Her love was unconditional, and that will always stay with me.

  17. Janet Knopp on July 18, 2020 at 3:51 pm

    Peace be with you, Rasoul

    Rest In Peace, Ruthie.

  18. Katie Siech on July 19, 2020 at 9:29 am

    I’ve been putting off writing anything because this still doesn’t feel quite real yet. My sweet, funny, loving and straight-talking aunt Ruthie was one of a kind. She was one of the strongest women I’ve ever known, and I’m incredibly thankful and lucky to have had her in my life. My husband, Jake, adored her and she will be missed dearly. She emanated the best that humanity has to offer. To Jordan, Nathan, Clayton and Rasoul: We love you all, and hope you can find peace during these incredibly hard times.

    Katie, Jake, Avalyn and Holden Siech

  19. JoAnn Siech on July 19, 2020 at 9:54 am

    I only knew Ruthie through Jake & Katie at the kids events but she was truly a kind, generous and wonderful person to be around. She will be missed but her memory lives on forever. Prayers to her family to get through this loss – the pain never goes away but lessens with time but the tremendous memories gain strength and give one more and more reasons to smile.

    JoAnn Siech (Jake Siech’s mom)

  20. Mary on July 19, 2020 at 10:02 am

    Sisters since 1960, friends for eternity.

  21. nima karimi on July 19, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    Ruthie was one of those special people that made my immigration experience less troubling. Even though there was a significant language barrier at the time, I didn’t have to necessarily understand what she was saying to feel her love and support. There is a vivid memory I have when we were at Manchester Park together and I was feeling down. Even though the language barrier wouldn’t allow us to fully communicate, she still approached me because she could tell that something was wrong. I was in a totally different country without my mom whom had been my usual support system for many years, but in that moment Ruthie made me feel supported solely through her affectionate eyes and smile. Ruthie was beautiful inside and outside.

  22. Laura Park on July 20, 2020 at 2:45 am

    Just our beloved lady, couldn’t be more dear and inspiring than she was, is, remarkable! She is with us Always.

  23. Laurie (Wydra ) Votapka on July 20, 2020 at 4:16 pm

    I worked with Ruthie many years ago at St. Mary’s . She was such a kind , beautiful , loving person . She would always make me laugh until I cried . She could make anyone smile . My deepest condolences to her entire family ♥️

  24. Julie on July 20, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    Ruth “mommy karimi” believed in all of us. She believed in our middle school problems, our passions, our art, our jokes. She walked me around her house one day, which felt like my house a lot of the time with how open she was to me coming over, and gave me a tour of all her kids’ framed elementary school art. She talked about the art with the same light in her voice and eyes as when she would talk about classical music or art or Shakespeare. I can’t describe the comfort and pure love of knowing that the spot next to her on the couch was always open, hearing her sing opera in the kitchen in the morning, hearing her free laugh at someone’s joke and then adding on the the joke until everyone was laughing. She always made time. Hours of sitting, talking, drinking “cawfee,” sharing titles of books and memoirs. Telling us how to ward off creeps at the mall before dropping us off. Dancing like no one was watching. “Honey, did you eat?” “Love ya love ya” She loved nothing more than her kids and prioritized nothing more than treating others with kindness. I love her for creating both buoyancy and security in everything. She was love. And having been that, she still is that, through all of us. That space on the couch still feels very open. It’s inside of us now.

  25. Suzie Everingham on July 20, 2020 at 4:39 pm

    Ruth’s smile was the epitome of a warm embrace that she freely shared with others. I was blessed when we became mommy #1 & mommy #2 to our girls Julie, and Jordan. I’m blessed to see her light, laughter, caring heart filled with love, reflected in Jordan. Please know you have my deepest sympathy at this time – love, Suzie Everingham

  26. Marzieh karimi on July 20, 2020 at 4:56 pm

    I would like to share my dream. Ruthie was in the middle of a peaceful green field. Around that field there was an enormous gray net which I believe separates us from her. In between the grey net there were many hearts illuminating through. These hearts signify that Ruthie is sending her love from another life to all of us and we can still feel her love around us every day. Throughout my dream she was just how I remembered her: happy, smiling, and flourishing.

  27. Cathy on July 20, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    My Aunt Ruthie was the strongest, kindest, genuine woman I’ve ever known, truly. She had this aura about her that was infectious and beautiful. I have so many memories that I have always held close to my heart. She was so very funny, her laugh was the best. So thankful and blessed to have had her in my life. Love you Aunt Ruthie, Uncle Rasoul. Clayton, Nathan and Jordan you are in my heart,,, love you. Xoxo

  28. Sullivan Family on July 20, 2020 at 6:31 pm

    To Karimi Family,
    My condolences to everyone. Ruthie was such an amazing loving super MOM!! She always had a smile on her face whenever I saw her. She could tell a story like no one else. We danced the night away at Nathans wedding, we schmoozed whenever we saw each other at grocery stores. Her laughter is passed on to Nathan, who can tell amazing stories just like she did. She raised 3 amazing children (who are now three amazing adults)! Hats off to you GIRL! She always greeted me with Hugs and Hello girlfriend. She will by truly missed.

  29. Bobbi Irwin on July 20, 2020 at 10:17 pm

    Rest I peace dear Ruthie. Your job here is complete and we are are better for having known you. Sending love and prayers to your family

  30. Fred Luna on July 21, 2020 at 12:43 am

    My chest hurts as though a force of fresh air has been sucked out of this world. Drat! God bless the Ruthie Karimi family.

  31. Janet Gluesenkamp on July 21, 2020 at 11:28 am

    The loss of Ruth is widely felt. Prayers for the family.

  32. Tara on July 21, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    Ruth was ebullient, like a spring. All humans have holes and empty places where we want for kindness, but it was like she filled hers with this constant, perpetual flow from the inside out of kindness and joy and belongingness and freeness and silliness and light, to share with everybody she encountered. She made it look easy. I am so glad for the moments I got to share with her and for the Jordan she created!

  33. Isin Akduman on July 23, 2020 at 11:42 am

    So saddened by the news. Truly wonderful family. Wish all of you patience and peace during these difficult times.

  34. Nathan on August 1, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    It’s really crazy cause everyone of course would say something kind about the dear departed but, that’s my mama, I love her and it never stopped and all of the things everyone has said were the things they experienced in moment. Well, I had 30 years of those moments, and my beautiful perfect mom never changed. The kindness, the humor, the support, the easiness, the laughter, the ridiculous jokes she and my wife Jo had together that made me uncomfortable as hell but made them laugh until I had no choice to join. God, I miss it all. She could not have done it better, I feel her every day, she makes me happy and perhaps I’m one of the luckiest men in the world cause I knew an angel day in and day out. She loved movies more than anyone and she taught me how to love them too. She was Jo’s best friend. She was the walking embodiment of good. She taught me life’s most important lesson, “it’ll all work out.” Peace and so much love, Mama. I’ll see you when I see you, until then, I’ll try to be as good as you were.

  35. Peter Shawki on September 3, 2020 at 9:36 am

    I worked with Ruth over ten years ago as a hospitalist at St Marys and she was the best at helping me get the services my patients needed. Her personality was awesome. So full of joy and positive thinking and over the years when I would see her ( this time as a patient) that never changed. She was the same in her attitude and thinking. So positive. I miss her and will always remember her with the fondest of thoughts.

  36. Laura on November 19, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Missing my sister today, extra. Think about Ruthie all the time, very special lady, I learned so much from her. Including, ha ha how to outrun a bee, and how, more recently, to say fu to cancer. The way she loved her family defined her, I love mine that way too. Love you all, bless her and miss her.

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