Shawn Kennedy

On February 5th, 2003, Shawn Randy Kennedy was born to his mother Agnes Hendrix, Father William Johnson and also to his loving grandmother Theresa McPherson.

“My son Shawn was an amazing young man. He made his family so very proud of him as a football athlete attending Hazelwood School District. Shawn enjoyed football and also wanted to coach one day which his coach agreed with.” – Agnes

He would later go on to excel at basketball, not liking getting dirty on the football field. He played basketball at Brinkley High in Arkansas and graduated from said school in 2021.

Through his school years he made many friends and formed brotherhoods. Shawn was charming, smart, handsome, and most of all Shawn loved his music and fashion. Music was his number one passion.

The day Shawn was born the battle began. Shawn was loved by two women: his Granny and Mother, between the two of them he was spoiled rotten.

“If I bought Shawn two pairs of shoes his Granny would go buy three more. I bought hum a bike, she bought three. He was definitely Theresa’s baby. I appreciate all the help she was given. I love you for that Momma.” – Agnes

Shawn and his cousin Keon started their rap careers together at the ages of 8 and 13 respectively. Although he was older, Keon never treated Shawn as a “Lil Dude” Shawn was Keon’s main man. They were inseparable as cousins. Shawn had a host of cousins who were older, but Shawn was that guy… he always came through.

“Dear Sunson, February 5th, 2003 you changed my life forever. Son I had never cried until I experienced the birth of you. You filled my heart, you were amazing. All of a sudden I was having another Baby and you asked, ‘Mama, a boy?’ When I said yes you were so, so happy. I had Jah Terrell who was born sickly. The night he left us I was losing my mind. I looked to you and you grabbed me saying ‘Mama we going to be ok, so will Jah.’ I knew then you were my lil man. Shawn I know you were hurt when Jah died, it took a piece of you. I’m Grateful for the 20 years you gave me although I wish it was more. My buddy I love you so, so much. I really need you to watch over me and your brother. I love you.” – Agnes

Shawn also had another little brother, Robert aka “Goobie.” Well the story goes, as a battle of the beast, but when it came to Mama it was them against me. Their bond was amazing and complicated due to their strong personalities, but Shawn always wins because Goobie loves Shawn.

Shawn is survived by his mother, Agnes Hendrix; father, William Johnson; and a host of Aunties, Uncles and cousins who helped raise him, spoiled and adored him.

He was truly raised by a village.

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