Stephanie Ann Reimer

Stephanie Ann Reimer, 70, fell asleep until the return of our Lord on January 3rd 2024. Stephanie was preceded in death by her husband, her father and mother, and two siblings. She is survived by her six children, thirteen grandchildren, four siblings, and many dear friends. Her burial is to be held at Elmira Cemetery near Beloit, Kansas on April 12th 2024 at 10am. We appreciate you sharing memories and condolences with family and friends in the space provided below.


Numbers 6:24-26



  1. Mary Hughett on January 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    We were very Blessed to have met her and known her for short a time.She always shared her love and kindness with our family, We were so Blessed with the time we had with her.Stephanie had many gifts to share,her creativity with childrens projects and her sweet fellowship,as she loved the Lord and we have great memories 💞
    Our love and condolences to her family,she will be greatly missed!
    Paul & Mary Hughett
    and family

  2. Mardi Brower on January 11, 2024 at 3:22 pm

    I remember my dear sister being good at working with puppets and her funny bob white jokes and many other great childhood memories. I look forward to seeing her at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Donna & RC Sandifer on January 11, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    This world will miss this beautiful, gracious, loving sister in Messiah. Blessings to her beloved family. Steph, we will join you once again when it is our turn.

  4. Anne Gipson on January 11, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    You are in my heart and on my mind always. I am so grateful to have shared many beautiful years with you, not only as my Mother, but as a dear, dear friend. Our daily conversations and your loving guidance will forever hold a place with me. Every day at 4 o’clock I remember you and wish that you would call just one more time. Thank you, Momma…for your dedication, hard work, patience, steadfastness, strength, help, support, talks, friendship and love. And thank you for always nurturing a love for our Father in our home and our hearts. I love you so dearly and I miss you with all of my heart. Until the day I can hold your hand, drink coffee and watch movies with you again…I love you, Mom ❤️

    Always and forever
    To the moon and back,

  5. Dan Stockemer on January 12, 2024 at 8:45 am

    She always greeted me with a warm genuine smile, reflecting her love and graciousness, and the holy spirit of the Father within her heart. Love to all her family…we shall be together with Him soon.

  6. Steve Jordan on January 22, 2024 at 9:27 pm

    Why not Stephanie I were a Little tikes at the maize parcinage. She talked me into running away with her, and we got our things already a stick in a bandana on a little bit of food we got ready to run away to the circus and we started down the street and about a block later she said oh stay we shouldn’t do this hold on a roll let’s go let’s go I don’t know anyway long story short we end up walking around a box and went back home because we were ready for lunch anyway

  7. Maggie Ponds on January 24, 2024 at 10:43 am

    I did not have the privilege to know Stephanie very long, but was blessed by her loving and peaceful spirit at Seed of Abraham fellowship in Mountain Grove. Such a kind sister and always smiling. I’ll miss your company! Praying for Yah’s shalom for family and friends.

  8. John and Lucy Schmitt on January 24, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    We had the opportunity to be blessed by our dear sister and friend Stephanie. We met at Ava theater on Shabbat. She brought to share with the group wonderful gluten free cookies. I asked her for the recipe and we talked for a while. She was looking for a place to live and asked me if I knew of any place in this area for rent. I suggested she come to our home for dinner the next day and showed her a place that I knew for rent in Hartville. She looked around and she really liked it. Two weeks later she called me and said I found a place and soon I will be your neighbor. I was so happy to hear that. She invited us later on, over to her cute apartment to have dinner together for fellowship and to open Shabbat. What a beautiful time we had that night. We prayed for her, we sang, we studied the Bible and blessed her new place. She was so pleased. That was the beginning of our friendship together. We invited her to Shabbat gatherings at The Seed of Abraham congregation in Mountain Grove which she enjoyed and she joined us for Sukkot in Wiwoka Oklahoma. She had the most fun time and enjoyed visiting her Sister and family an hour away from the camp. She was a very independent person. We would offer rides often to places even to Oklahoma for the feast but she prefered to drive herself. Very sweet personality, soft spoken, lovely smile and very kind. She loved her children and grand children so much that she often spoke well of them. The most important thing I know about her is she had strong faith in Yahweh and loved Him with all her heart. We will really miss her now that she is no longer our neighbor here in Hartville but we hope to see her in the kingdom with our Maker Yahweh all together again. It was a pleasure knowing her and she will be greatly missed. With love. John and Lucy Schmitt.

  9. Yvette Walton on February 1, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Stephanie was a wonderful woman. I met her at Sukkot last year. She was kind, warm, and friendly. We were just getting to know one another. She was very supported of me. I love her. I shall miss her. We will come together again in heaven.
    Yvette M. Walton Tulsa Oklahoma

  10. Andelyn Rose Smith on February 13, 2024 at 7:43 am

    I was ten years old in the summer of 1953. Sunday morning service was just over and we were headed home for dinner. Dad (Andy Isaac Jordan) had just finished preaching the sermon when one of the congregation told him that he better hurry home! His wife (Lenore) was having a baby!!! (She’d been sent home from the hospital! They hadn’t thought she was ready!)
    They told us kids to wait outside for a while. Our brother, David, passionately wanted a brother! He was very disappointed, then, when he got another sister, since he already had three!
    Eventually we were fed! Stephanie’s baby name was “Beffie,” and later, “Choffer.”

  11. Andelyn Rose Smith on February 13, 2024 at 8:26 am

    Autumn of 1968, I returned from Japan, divorced and seeking answers. Stephanie came with me in my search. We visited churches and Bible studies. If they taught us more about Jesus Christ, we would return!
    December 31, 1969, at midnight, we were on our knees at the bedside, praying for the new decade. By March, 1971, she and I found ourselves in a Bible Class called Power for Abundant Living. Three weeks of how to study the Bible and other foundational principles. We rejoiced at the Good News. So many questions were answered!!!
    That summer we spent three weeks in Family Camps at The Way Headquarters in Ohio. It felt like home!!!

  12. Andelyn Rose Smith on February 13, 2024 at 8:37 am

    (That was March of 1970! Sorry!!!)
    Stephanie married a man named William Frederick Reimer. I married a man named Frederick William Smith! We raised our families, became grandmothers — husbands are gone now…
    She and Bill moved around a lot. In their journeys, they discovered their Hebrew Roots! I had never heard of such a thing! However, as I studied the scriptures day by day to see whether it was so, (Acts 17:11) It became more and more clear that this was also what I had been searching for!!!

  13. Andelyn Rose Smith on February 13, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Stephanie built her life on the Rock (Matthew 7:24-29), the Lord Jesus Christ, aka Master Yahshuah Messiah.
    In recent years we kept in touch by praying three times a week and studying pictograph Hebrew. (Ya’ know, “God invented the telephone” so we could minister to and bless each other, even long distance!!!)
    I leave you with this paraphrase of Joshua 1:1-9. 2a) “Stephanie, My servant, is dead, so now, arise… And verse 9) “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, nor be discouraged, for YaHoVaH (the LORD), your Almighty Sovereign (God) is with you wherever you go!!!”

  14. Millie Harp Warren on February 14, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    I grew up in Maize with Stephanie and family as neighbors and friends. I remember going with Stephanie to deliver newspapers on horse back. Climbing into a dug out cave that the Jordan kids dug. Going swimming at Coleman club for her birthday. So many good memories of Stephanie and the Jordan kids! I’m sad at her passing, but take comfort in knowing she is with our Lord Jesus Christ.

  15. Ruth Kliewer on March 21, 2024 at 8:05 pm

    Sephanie and I were cousins and the same age. I loved going to Maize to visit the Jordans and she came to NE one summer to stay with me. I remember the confidence she gained when she took the Power for Abundant Living class with Andelyn. Stephanie also changed from a poor student to straight A’s. The class changed her life! She came to my high school graduation and taught me about speaking in tongues with interpretation. Her life definitely had a Godly impact on mine!

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