St. Louis Cremation

Sue C. Sullivan

Sue Carol Sullivan (nee Fife) passed away on Thursday, February 22, 2024. She was preceded in death by her late husband Thomas J. Sullivan Sr of Hazelwood, Missouri.

She is survived by her children: Kathy Sullivan, Tom Sullivan Jr, Jim (Stacy) Sullivan, Jeanne (Scott) Waters, and Trisha (Mike) Hasten; her grandchildren Patrick (Darcy) Sullivan, April (Brandon) Stumpe, Lauren (Kevin) Sullivan and Colin (Brittany) Sullivan.

Sue devoted her life to her family in so many ways. She will be sadly missed to all that loved her, adored her, and knew her. Rest in peace.

All services for Sue will be held privately and at a later date.


  1. TRISHA & MIKE on March 8, 2024 at 5:46 pm

    Mom~you were an amazing gift from God~like a 🌠 shooting star that passes through our life only once.A love so strong & bright you will always twinkle from above.So full of life that will never be forgotten,you will always remain in our ❤️ forever. Mom I’m so grateful & honored that youwere my best friend with millions of special memories to hold dear, for all the traditions you began, and all the values you taught along the way, for all the sacrifices you made for us that we are so so thankful for today.You were always so caring & had the greatest heart❤️ full of love.I admire you tremendously for all you have done from the bottom of my ❤️heart you will always be the most wonderful mother in the world as this family has always soaked up all the 💕 love you gave,the warm feeling you have left behind something we could never return now that you’re gone.
    Faith is the seed of Love
    Love is the power of Hope
    Hope is the light of Joy
    And Joy is the flowers that
    grows from the 💕 love you planted in us….
    You are free now MOM,
    GOD laid a path for you to follow him home. When God called you, you took his hand& now in his presence,you are safe in his arms,YOU ARE HOME IN HEAVEN .And with your
    Angel 😇 Wings you have earned you will remain close by circling above us always comforting us still,wear your ANGEL 😇 WINGS PROUDLY And ONE DAY WE WILL MEET AGAIN….when GOD calls us home and until then MOM rest in peace 🕊️ (for you definitely deserve some peaceful rest that you never took time for yourself or any vacations in all your 83 years of life.)
    I thank you for the cherished time we did have together as MOTHER & DAUGHTER!!! and everyday I will truly LOVE❤️YOU & DEEPLY MISS YOU for you absolutely are the Most Wonderful Adoring BELOVED MOTHER I’VE EVER KNOWN❣️❣️ …
    🌟SHINE ON ⭐…
    Forever 💟 love ya

  2. JoAnn Melton on March 10, 2024 at 10:20 am

    I will miss you sue , you were a great sister !! Love you

  3. jeanne stumpe on March 10, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    mom you will never be forgotten you were the best mother in the world you rest in peace i will see you again someday when i get called home you will always be in our hearts you were a devoted mother of 5 i love you so much you will be missed dearly

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