Suzanne Dorothy Goette

Suzanne D. Goette (Lyle) passed away in peace at her home on Sunday March 20st 2022.

Suzanne was born on July 28, 1950 to Dorothy Louise (Simpson) and Allen Lyle in South St. Louis Missouri.  In 1957, the family moved with Suzanne and her siblings, brothers Allen, Jr. and Richard and sister Linda Lou (Wallace), to Florissant, where she lived the remainder of her life. At the young age of 14, she met the love of her life and soulmate, Terry, whom she wed in February 1970. 

Suzanne was an amateur archeologist and loved hunting for arrowheads and other relics. She was a member of the Greater St. Louis Archaeological Society and the Central States Archaeological Society, joining in 1995.  After holding several positions in the organization, in 2010 she was the first woman to be elected President of the GSLAS, serving until 2012.  She also had a passion for photography and was often caught with a camera in her hand.  In 2010, Suzanne and Terry also began regularly attending the St. Louis Renaissance Faire and soon became favorites among the long-time patrons and vendors.  Greatly loved by her Renfaire family, she was always there to help anyone in need, gracing them with her smile, caring and warmth which quickly earned her the loving nickname of “Mother Hen”. Her laughter was infectious and she brought smiles to anyone around her. 

Survived by her husband and soulmate, Terry Goette, Suzanne is preceded in passing by her father Alan Lyle, mother Dorothy and her youngest brother Richard (“Rick”) Lyle.

Suzanne will be deeply missed by her nieces and nephews and cousins, aunt Grace Norval (Simpson), sister-in-law Marlene (Goette) Bay, brother-in-law Charles Bay and all of her very dear friends.  She will always remain her husband’s “Forever Darling”.


  1. Leshaundra Guyton aka Shaunie on March 29, 2022 at 5:12 pm

    I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting her but me and Mr.Terry became good friends after his visit to DePaul Hospital were I spoke to his beloved wife on the phone and she had a sweet spirit and a calm over her that would relax Mr.Terry im praying for you my dear friend.

  2. Janice Beckham on March 29, 2022 at 5:32 pm

    Suzanne was a beautiful soul she will be greatly missed. She was a part of the Jennings group a bound that can’t be broken. Terry you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Terry Goette on March 29, 2022 at 5:36 pm

    I miss you so much MY FOREVER DARLING. the world is much emptier place without you here my me. You and your warmth and caring were loved by so many that its overwhelming to me. Your smile brought so many joy, laughter and friendship to so many people, it crossed ocean’s you were so loved. You were my light in the world, my strength and now it’s gone but my love for you will me never ending. You will always be my, MY FOREVER DARLING

  4. Judy kuntz on March 29, 2022 at 6:03 pm

    Suzanne was one of the absolute sweetest souls I’ve ever known. We called eachother kindred spirits and soul sisters. You will live forever in my heart. Till we meet again… stay gold sister❤️

  5. Edward Keelhaul on March 29, 2022 at 10:01 pm

    We are sad to loss such a great person Suzanne Lyle Goette . We will all miss your smile and all of the great conversations. So many good times with you thank you for being a friend. We hang hats low with your loss. Condolences to the Goette family.

  6. Mark Creighton on March 29, 2022 at 10:29 pm

    Suzanne, was a pleasure to know, we met at the faire and became friends and would share photos and I enjoyed her enthusiasm for hunting for arrow heads. She will be missed. A sweet lady!

  7. Clay Jarratt on March 29, 2022 at 10:37 pm

    Suzanne was always welcoming on my visits from KC to St. Louis Renfest. Her infectious smile and grace will be greatly missed.

  8. Alex Kelley on March 29, 2022 at 10:59 pm

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Wishing you peace during this time.

  9. Brad and Cindi Foster on March 29, 2022 at 11:00 pm

    She was truly a wonderful woman! She will be missed on a level that I cannot begin to convey.

  10. Jenna Heckethorn on March 30, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Suzanne was always a warm and kind woman with a camera not too far away. Everytime we met over the years it always seemed like it was for the first time again. The smile that she always had on her face with never leave my fond memories of her. The quality conversations together will always be close to my thoughts of her. My hat has been hung low and I will fire the cannons at sunset in your memory sister.

  11. Earleen Arnold on March 30, 2022 at 8:41 am

    There are certain faces I always look for when I go to Faire. Those faces are what makes RenFaire one of my happy places. Losing one of those faces is a hard thing. We’ll have to dedicate some of the many pirate pictures to Suzanne. 💕

  12. Marlene Bay on March 30, 2022 at 8:42 am

    Suzanne was the best sister-in-love I ever could have asked for. She was fun, loving and caring. She is the one that introduced me to the Shrimp plant. This year I will be planting a Shrimp plant memorial garden in honor of her. I will miss her until we get to spend eternity together in heaven. 🙌🏼

  13. Stacy Wolf on March 30, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Suzanne I will remember you with a camera in your hand and a smile on your face as that is how you were the last time I saw you. Terry, I am sorry that you are having to go through this process. Suzanne was a sweet and kind woman. I could tell when the two of you were together that there was a special love for each other. Hold onto that love when you are having hard moments as they are going to be there and remember all the good times to get you through the low times. All of your family and friends are here for you to support you.

  14. Lori Revelle on March 30, 2022 at 11:07 am

    I am so very sorry for you and your family’s loss, Terry. I never knew Suzanne personally, only on Facebook, but she seemed like the most sweet and caring person… My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Terry. Rest In Peace, Suzanne. We love you.

  15. Jerry and Roxie Davis on March 30, 2022 at 11:54 am

    We have lost a beautiful lady and friend. Suzanne was so genuine and always so positive. We will miss our Mexican and wings get together to talk about artifact finds. The hurt is so heavy to lose this wonderful lady. Terry We are so sorry for the loss of your lovely lady. We know your heart is so heavy and we are so sorry.

  16. Betty Brawley on March 30, 2022 at 11:56 am

    A dear friend who made me laugh when she laughed. She was a gift. My heart is heavy and I will miss you.

  17. Terri (Simpson) Terry on March 30, 2022 at 12:00 pm

    Rest In Peace, Suzanne. You lived with such energy and zest!

  18. John Brawley on March 30, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    Suzanne was a lovely caring person. Always concerned about others and how they are doing. Her smile and laugh was contagious. A Lady of many talents especially photography. Suzanne photographed many memorable moments during our JHS Luncheons, the Renaissance Faires, general get together and most importantly the photos she took at Betty and my 50th Wedding Anniversary Party. Suzanne will be missed immensely. RIP SUZANNE!

  19. Jimbo Rahmberg on March 30, 2022 at 12:31 pm

    Suzanne was a sweet lady. Lots of smiles and laughs when she was around! Ren Faire will never be the same. She laughed at all my jokes no matter how cornball they were. She was a beautiful friend that enrichened my life. I will miss her

  20. Simon Bade on March 30, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    I’m so saddened to learn of Suzanne’s passing. She was such a bright soul and was a joy to be around. She will be dearly missed. My condolences go out to all of her family, especially Terry.

  21. Allen R. Lyle, Jr. (Brother) on March 30, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Suzanne, our sweet sister, I am so sorry that you had to leave us so soon. We, your loving family, friends, neighbors and your own loving husband Terry all miss you! We have much hurt and pain in our hearts at this irreplaceable loss of your presence here from us. But you are not truly lost from us. When we know where to find you! Your illnesses and pain are gone now! One day we will follow you to find and join you in our Heavenly Father’s House! Even as a young girl, Suzanne cared so deeply for others and GOD’s little animals that she would cry in pain if either would be harmed or hurt! Suzanne was always a sweetheart with the sweetest of hearts!! Our own father and mother were blessed to have Suzanne as their daughter! My sister Linda and brother Rick and myself were blessed to have Suzanne as our sister! All of Suzanne’s family members, friends, and neighbors were blessed by her as well as her own loving husband Terry! He will tell you the same. He felt blessed indeed to have Suzanne as his own loving wife!! Everyone she knew or would meet were blessed by her sweet smile, her joyous laughter and her warm caring loving heart! Now our Heavenly Father GOD will count Suzanne’s love and faith in Christ and her blessings to others in His unsurpassed eternal love for Suzanne!! I love you Suzanne!! We all love you!! Good bye for now! Till we all meet you again, “In that sweet bye and bye on that beautiful Heavenly shore!!”
    Your big brother, Buddy!

  22. Lissa Gomez on March 30, 2022 at 6:10 pm

    She had a such a beautiful soul, My She Rest In Peace

  23. Bernice on March 30, 2022 at 6:12 pm

    Suzanne was my best friend. She was an amazing person and she had a remarkable life. I will miss her everyday. I know right now she’s taking care of all the animals. RIP

  24. Jason and Amy Taylor on March 30, 2022 at 6:16 pm

    Suzanne was our dear friend. Her laugh and smile would make any person smile. She is so beautiful inside and out. We will miss her so much!! We love you Suzanne!! 💕

  25. Dave and Carol Miller on March 31, 2022 at 8:46 pm

    Susie, as I always called her, a great friend for 20 yrs or so. I met her at a GSLAS library meeting and very soon became friends with her and Terry. She was the first woman president for our archaeological society (GSLAS) and has also been its business manager. We will always remember her phone calls about the artifacts she found and the adventures that went with it. The fun we all had together at shows, at the house or out to lunch. You always planed on about a three hour lunch because of all the stories we had to share, the laughter and good times. We will miss the smiles, laughter, stories, fun and hugs.

  26. Linda L. Wallis ( Lyle ) on March 31, 2022 at 8:59 pm

    Suzanne was my sister, my little ” sissy, ” and one amazing Woman, strong, independent, courageous, hard working, admired, a trustworthy friend, and always someone you could look up to. Suzanne was never a stranger, when the two of us were out together, meeting new people, where ever we would go, Suzanne would always be smiling, laughing and talking, acting like she knew you all her life. Everyone Suzanne knew, her friends, neighbors and her family thought the world of Suzanne she was a lot fun and amazing to be around.
    Suzanne didn’t think so but she sacrificed a lot of her time and some of her money buying little trinkets and small gifts for friends and family, cause maybe you had a bad day, a sad day, get well wishes, to cheer you up or that she just thought of you, or a just because day and she loved doing this. Suzanne had many things that were of interest to her, like in her garden she planted beautiful colorful red and bright orange flowers attracting her hummingbirds to her yard each year, to enjoy them and take amazing close up pictures of them and her gorgeous flower garden with her trusty camera, that went everywhere with her. Suzanne also found out that digging in the dirt was something she would love to do on a regular basis. Suzanne really excelled in her passion to dig in the dirt and mud getting all dirty, and using her metal detector finding valuable items arrow heads, various coins and long lost relics from the past, pottery, dishes, cups, tools, and knives of that era.
    Suzanne I will always carry your love with me. I will miss you every day and wish that you could have stayed here a little longer but you couldn’t, the time we got to spend together I will never forget, you are safe and secure now in God’s hands, now that all your pain is gone. Suzanne I Love You, We all Love You, Everybody Loves You, Good bye for now I will see you again, until then I pray that you rest in peace and , ” I will always love you, ” ” I will always love you. ” your older Sister Linda ( Lindy-Lou )


  27. Lynn Collins on April 1, 2022 at 6:10 am

    Terry, you have a lifetime of memories with sweet Suzanne. She was a beautiful woman and I so enjoyed being with you two. My deepest sympathies. She will be missed.

  28. Aunt Grace Norvell on April 1, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    My sweet, funny niece, you will be missed by all the entire family. I think you and I talked on the phone for more hours than I can recall, funny and some serious ones too. It was good because you knew so much about all of the family, and all of the neighbors that we had in the community we lived in. We were never at a loss for words. I will never forget how thoughtful you always was, and eager to help out wherever you could. God has got to be happy to have you in his care now, you will be there “Till we meet again”. . . . Much love to you.

  29. Ellen Ball on April 1, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    I had not know Suzanne very long and our meeting was under less than pleasant circumstances. Her friend my cousin in law had given me the task to call Suzanne and let her know she had been hospitalized and diagnosed with terminal cancer. During that call I felt I had been reunited with a long lost friend. We spent many long hours on the phone in the days leading up to Sherry’s passing. She and Terry came to visit us late last fall and we were overjoyed to have them visit. It was like family had come home. During that visit she told me of an event that happened on the trip to our house. She and Terry had noticed two birds off in the distance. As they neared, they noticed it was two eagles flying almost wing tip to wingtip; something she had never seen before eagles flying so close together. She immediately thought it was God giving her a glimpse of Sherry and her daughter being reunited in heaven. Somewhere tonight between here and St. Louis I believe there are three eagles flying in close formation as Suzanne, her little adopted sister Sherry and Reta are reunited. I miss her phone chats so I know Terry you must be devastated. In the days ahead you will be blessed and comforted that God gave you the cherished memories of over 50+ years to dwell on and keep you sustained until that day when we all are reunited on the other side of the Jordon River. Take heart she is not gone she has just walked ahead to make sure she knows all the best places when we meet again

  30. Raymond Dierker on April 4, 2022 at 9:22 am

    My favorite memory of Suzanne was a video that our late Uncle Wally took of her and her sister running around the large yard at our Grandma Simpson’s house. She maintained this energy and joy her whole life. In addition to her archaeology interests, she often functioned as a Simpson family historian and was always a pleasure to be with at all of our family events. She will be missed.
    Our condolences to her husband, Terry and to her siblings. Alan and Linda
    Cousin Ray

  31. Jennifer Baker on April 22, 2022 at 10:17 am

    First and foremost – Suzanne was fearlessly authentic. And of course (she was a Simpson Girl after all) she was sharp-witted, intelligent, kind, thoughtful, vivacious, and beautiful inside and out. And that infectious laugh! I loved that she could talk about anything and everything, brought donuts as a surprise to family meals at restaurants, gifted other hummingbird lovers with seed packets of flowers that hummingbirds are attracted to, and ALWAYS made you feel special. Her ripple effect is bigger than her humble self could ever have imagined.
    I’m grateful to get to know Suzanne later in my life and will miss the spirit she brought to our family.
    Cousin Jennifer

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