St. Louis Cremation

Sylvia Halley

Sylvia Hilary Halley (nee Elbourn) passed away Friday August 26th at her Wildwood, MO home after a courageously fought, 10 year battle with breast cancer. At the time she was surrounded by her husband Geoffrey M Halley, her sons Ian A Halley of Chesterfield MO and Stuart M Halley of Brownsville WI, and her daughter Jayne E Vickrey of Naperville IL.

Sylvia was born in St. Albans, England, the third daughter of Edwin Harry Elbourn and Violet (Simmons) Elbourn on March 22nd 1937. She graduated from Beaumont School in St. Albans, and subsequently entered a nursing program at St. Albans City Hospital. In 1956 she was introduced to Geoffrey and they became instant best friends. Three years later, on July 25, 1959, after Geoffrey graduated from engineering school, they were married in Harpenden, England, and started their journey together.

Sylvia loved to travel and meet people, and by the time of her marriage she had traveled extensively in Europe.

In 1966 Sylvia and the young family migrated to the United States, when Geoffrey was offered a position working on the Apollo program. Initially the family lived in Ransomville, NY. They then moved to Kewanee, IL, where they lived for 18 years, during which time Sylvia taught handicrafts, as part of an adult education program. Finally with their children married they arrived in the St. Louis area in 1986, and built a home in Wildwood. Since that time she has traveled with Geoffrey around much of the United States and Canada, meeting people and making friends wherever she went. With the new home came the challenge of converting a rock strewn hillside into beautiful gardens. Sylvia tackled this with her usual tremendous energy, and the result has been greatly admired, and it was during this period that she became a long time member of The Garden Society of Wildwood, making many good friends in the process.

Sylvia was very proud of her family and their achievements, including her grandchildren and the most recent addition, a great grandson with whom she spent many pleasurable times.

Sylvia was preceded in death by her mother and father, a sister Audrey (Elbourn) Dunlop of Belfast, N Ireland and two grandsons Derek and Graham Halley of Chesterfield, MO, who were taken much too soon. In addition to her husband, her sons and daughter, she leaves a sister Lesley (Elbourn) Adams of Berwickshire, Scotland, six grandchildren: Nicole (Vickrey) Cook, of Elwood IL; Ross Halley of St Charles, MO; Megan Halley of Warsaw IN; Brandon Vickrey of Seattle WA; Alayna Halley of Brownsville WI; Ellyn Halley of Brownsville WI and a great grandson Parker Cook of Elwood IL, plus several spousal relations.

In lieu of flowers Sylvia had suggested that friends wishing to honor her life, make donations to her favorite charity, the St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, in Memphis, TN.

A “Celebration of Sylvia’s Life” has been planned for Sunday September 18th from 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM in the Wildwood Hotel, 2801 Fountain Place, Wildwood, MO. All friends and relatives are invited to share their memories.



  1. Karrie (Witt) Gaulrapp on September 1, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    Stuart, Geoffrey, Ian, Jane and Family: So sorry for your loss. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
    Karrie (Witt) Gaulrapp and Family

  2. Rick robison on September 1, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    Stuart and Ian , please know that your Mom (who i remember fondly, as well as your Dad). Will be held up at our house in prayer. As will be the whole family. I do so wish that our lord would send cancer back to hell where it came from. It has tormented my family for generations. Until we can all smile and laugh again try to be at peace. Cheers from the Robisons of Atlanta.

  3. Grace Deyermond Elmore on September 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Ian, Melanie, Ross and Family,
    I am so sorry to hear about Sylvia. Though I only got to know her briefly, I know how sweet and kind she was. Thank you for allowing her to touch my life. Love to you all!


  4. caryl vick on September 1, 2016 at 5:33 pm

    Please accept our deepest sympathy for your loss . bob & caryl

  5. mary schwantes on September 1, 2016 at 7:46 pm

    A bright light has gone out in the Halley family. To know Sylvia was to love her.

    I feel blessed to have known her in the garden club of Wildwood. I have the start of several of her plants which I will work hard to keep growing in her memory.

    Love from Mary Schwantes

  6. Gloria on September 2, 2016 at 8:01 pm

    Ian, Melanie and Family-

    So sory to hear of the passing of your mother, mother in law, grandmother!

    It is always hard to let people we love go in our lives but their memories live on. This video attached is the most beautiful video; shows the person and their life. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Liz Patterson on September 10, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    Jayne and family,
    It was an honor to meet Sylvia at the lake and everytime I use the dishcloths she gave me I pray for you and your family! You are also in my daily prayers. In His Love, Liz Patterson

  8. Eugene and Mary Telka on September 12, 2016 at 11:48 am

    What an incredible woman. We’ve never met her but Megan is our son’s partner and we’ve met her parents and what gentle, loving souls they are which they no doubt inherited from their mother/grandmother. The obituary and photo video truly acknowledge her spirit and love of life. She will be missed.

  9. Laureen and Bob Clarke on September 19, 2016 at 5:50 pm

    Geoff and family
    We are so sorry for your loss.
    It was our great pleasure in meeting you at ABMA meetings. It was definitely our high point our attendance of the meetings. You will always be in our mind and thoughts. Take it easy, our best wishes.

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