St. Louis Cremation

Terry Carlton

IMG_186034527712908In Loving Memory of Terry Lee Carlton.
Beloved father, brother, uncle and friend.
Passed peacefully into Christ’s salvation on May 21, 2014.
Born to Jasper Carlton and Mary Ruth (Deadmon) Carlton on July 2, 1945 in Mayfield, KY.
Beloved father of Leah (Carlton) Luciano, Jocelyn (Carlton) Hughes, Emily (Carlton) Richmann, and David Lee Craig.
Cherished brother of Jay Carlton, Danny Carlton, Barb (Carlton) McDaniel, Carmella Carlton, and Marcella (Carlton) Turnbough.
Dear grandfather to Stella and Dominic Luciano, Jonathan Helmers, Joy, Faith and Patience Hughes, Ava and Liam Richmann, Brian, Daniel, and Judah Craig.
Preceded in death by his parents, brother Morris “Mo” Carlton, and sister Vicki (Carlton) West.
He will be remembered for his playful spirit and trademark wit.


  1. Emily Richmann on May 28, 2014 at 1:59 pm

    Love you Dad

  2. Jocelyn Hughes on May 28, 2014 at 5:14 pm

    Dad, you were such a ham. Thank you for all the lessons you taught us. Heaven must be a-maz-ing! Love you, can’t wait to see you again. You’re in my heart forever. <3

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