Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 4.26.08 PM

Thomas Patrick McTague


Thomas (Tommy) Patrick McTague, 78, of St. Louis, Missouri, passed away peacefully on September 6, 2024. He was born in the Compton Heights neighborhood to Marshall E. and Margaret C. McTague.

Tommy was a humble, loving man who was devoted to his mother and siblings, putting everyone else before himself – “no” was not in his vocabulary. Tommy tackled every challenge with a positive attitude, sense of humor and that nothing couldn’t be overcome. Tommy’s ultimate joy in his life was spending every moment with his two children, Kelley and Jazz, attending as many games and events as he could possibly attend.

He was especially overjoyed to soon become a grandfather. Tommy was a devoted uncle to his nieces and nephews, dedicating time to being present throughout their lives bringing joy and mischief to each interaction.

Tommy was preceded in death by his parents, older brother Marshall E. McTague, Jr. (Mickey) and brother-in-law Alex Handlan. Devoted father to Kelley (Jordan) Knudsen and Jazz Richardson (Brianna Harrop), beloved brother to Marianne Handlan, Kathleen Giorgi (Martin), Michael McTague (Madeline), Margaret McTague (Joseph Slay). Loved uncle, cousin and friend to many.

A mass will be held on September 13, 2024 at 12:00 noon

St. Gabriel’s Church

6303 Nottingham Avenue

Saint Louis, Missouri 63109

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Friends of Kids with Cancer would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Nancy Spehr on September 11, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    I feel so bad for you.i know Tommy was so sick and I know your sunny disposition made him feel so loved.Be thankful for the time you had with him. Love you and praying for all
    .Nancy Spehr

  2. Nancy Reinagel on September 12, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Am so sorry for the loss of your brother. In October 2015, Tommy was in Rehab at Laclede Grove with my husband Bob. You and your family are in our prayers at this difficult time. May God give you strength in the days to come.
    Nancy Thoelke Reinagel

  3. James LeGrand on September 18, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Dear Margaret very sorry to hear about the passing of your brother he always made everyone smile when he came into LeGrand’s Market. He always had a smile on his face and was sincerely interested in how you were doing never really talking much about his own problems. There will always be a smile on my face whenever I think of him. Prayers to you and your family James LeGrand

  4. Kim on October 2, 2024 at 9:22 pm

    Tom had been my friend for a long time we did a lot of stuff together laughed our butts off at time i miss calling him an saying whats up my heart is broke but he’s not in any pain so he’s better now I love u Tom

  5. MaryEllen Chilton on October 9, 2024 at 11:42 am

    He will always live in my heart, taped up like his christmas presents so he can’t escape. He was so loving and generous to me as child. Sooooo many memories. He was a blessing in my life.

    Happy Birthday Cuz!

    From your number one Space Cadet!

  6. Kim Richardson on October 31, 2024 at 6:22 am

    The hardest was when I saw him for the last time an he was telling me the priest gave himself last rights an says Mike has the door cracked for me you know he did my dear friend 💕❤️❤️💕

  7. Kim Richardson on January 28, 2025 at 3:25 am

    I wish u were here my little brother passed I could talk to u give him a hug for me lv ya Tom
    Love and miss u so much cuz ❤️

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