Thomas Roth I
Thomas Christian Roth I, born 11/18/43, died 9/18/19.
Born to William and Florence (née Pouyer) Roth. His family includes: wife, Eileen (née Murphy); children: Chris (Jeanne née Reavis), Mindy (John d.) Northrup, Celeste (Chris) Schweiger, and Will. Siblings: Lee Roth, Marilynn (Bill) Thompson, Karen (d.) (Mike) Reyand, Janet (d.) (Dennis) Kelly, Bob (Trish) Roth. Three Grandchildren: Tom 3, Tori, and Michael.
Tom Started his career as an electrical engineer, then an avionics software engineer, then progressed to a DER for FAA. His first project was a gyroscope for the Saturn rocket. Tom never met a stranger. He gave more then he got. If anyone asks, Tom is at mile marker 1. His final destination.
On October 26, 2019, we will have a celebration of Tom’s life. At Jefferson Barracks Park, Gold Star Pavillion at 2pm. Come to share or hear a story you remember of how Tom effected your life.
I will miss you dearly Uncle Tom ❤️
Our family will never be the same. He was the glue that held us together. Our condolences to your entire family.
Barbara Pouyer Wright
Dennis and I will miss Tom. The best man ever, he was a wonderful best man back in 1965.