
Thomas Roth I

Thomas Christian Roth I, born 11/18/43, died 9/18/19.

Born to William and Florence (née Pouyer) Roth. His family includes: wife, Eileen (née Murphy); children: Chris (Jeanne née Reavis), Mindy (John d.) Northrup, Celeste (Chris) Schweiger, and Will. Siblings: Lee Roth, Marilynn (Bill) Thompson, Karen (d.) (Mike) Reyand, Janet (d.) (Dennis) Kelly, Bob (Trish) Roth. Three Grandchildren: Tom 3, Tori, and Michael.

Tom Started his career as an electrical engineer, then an avionics software engineer, then progressed to a DER for FAA. His first project was a gyroscope for the Saturn rocket. Tom never met a stranger. He gave more then he got. If anyone asks, Tom is at mile marker 1. His final destination.

On October 26, 2019, we will have a celebration of Tom’s life. At Jefferson Barracks Park, Gold Star Pavillion at 2pm. Come to share or hear a story you remember of how Tom effected your life.


  1. Teri Tranoris on October 4, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    I will miss you dearly Uncle Tom ❤️

  2. Barbara Wright on October 5, 2019 at 3:31 pm

    Our family will never be the same. He was the glue that held us together. Our condolences to your entire family.

    Barbara Pouyer Wright

  3. Dennis and Carol Rybarczyk on October 14, 2019 at 9:43 am

    Dennis and I will miss Tom. The best man ever, he was a wonderful best man back in 1965.

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