St. Louis Cremation

Wendell Goins, Jr

Wendell H. Goins Jr was born January 25, 1958 to Wendell and Sandra Goins in St Louis, Missouri. He was the big brother of Stephanie, Kenneth, Steven, Patricia, Barry and Clifton. He had three wonderful daughters, Stephanie, Sandra and Aisha…they gave him grandchildren and he loved them all to the utmost.


To sum up his essence as a person is simple…he was an eternal student and teacher. If you knew him, then you knew that he was always in student mode. The universities that he attended after graduating from Northwest High School are too numerous to name…lol. He graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO with a degree in History. As a teacher of life, he could always be counted on to bring new knowledge to any discussion or to expound on an old idea. He wrote several books in his lifetime and sparked many men and women to seek additional knowledge. Wendell was more than just a man who loved learning, he loved to give what he learned back to his people. He would teach anybody who would listen to what he knew of history and even taught his siblings to be thinkers and to challenge everything with real facts. Just like our father, Wendell Goins Sr, the search for the truth was embedded in his very being.


We all loved him dearly. The many lives he touched was a testament to his character. We doubt we could find anyone who ever met him talked to him or knew him to say that they didn’t like him or respect his thirst for knowledge and desire to teach and share and discuss. He was a best friend to many. His loving nature will be passed down and will last forever…he will be sorely missed. As “A People”, we thank him for all he brought to “Us”.


We celebrate his life today as he wished and we thank all who attended. We especially thank our Dad, Mr Wendell Goins Sr, Mom, Sandra G. Goins for the guidance and the lessons that carry us today. They helped mold who Wendell was because they taught him to think for himself, to challenge everything but most of all to love life and love and respect all people. We would like to thank Mom for staying strong after Dad left us. She has remained a rock a stallworth of continuous unending support. She took care of Wendell throughout his entire Rehab from Heart Surgery through the Transplant and his Transition. Mom-we thank you. Aunt Jackie, has always been there to support Mom and us and we have to acknowledge her guidance and support.


Special note: to Carol whose support and concern make us forever grateful to her.
Thanks for the memories and love Big Brother…



  1. Yvonne Ray on October 10, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Beautifully written “story” of Wendell H. Goins. Especially enjoyed the pictures. You did your big brother proud! My condolences to all of you. May his soul rest in heaven.

  2. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:35 pm

    Wendell -my “big-Bro” n every sense- taught me how to shoot, catch, throw, wrestle, journalism, think, religion, chess…took up for me in grade school, gave me money in college/law schl w/ surprise visits & helped me with projects around my house & worked with me in the office & on cars…he was my confidant n advisor from age 2 until he left he taught me compassion, humility and how to genuinely care and respect others…he is and was forever…my hero & losing him is VERY HARD in the past I have had people calling me because they had met Wendell one time at a class, a function, a seminar or even at Church/Mosque or a bus stop and they remark on the impression he made in their lives. He was their new best friend confidant and inspiration he was all that to me and my “big-brother”= Rest in peace my BIG brother Wendell Goins

  3. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Mike Claiborn:
    Just learned of the passing of Wendell Goins. For those of you who did not know him, it’s unfortunate. I met Wendell playing baseball in Mathews-Dickey some 50 plus years ago at a time when some did not know what end of a bat to hold and others did not know what base was first or how to get there. Who could forget Wendell and that pigeon toed walk, big Afro and a cap that could not cover it all? What about the pre puberty high pitched voice and the Babe Ruth physic? Thing is he swing the bat like the babe with similar results. Wendell was the first real teammate I met that was not from my neighborhood. He was kind, caring and supportive as well as funny. He could jones with the best and yet knew when enough was enough. Wendell was not built like Denzel Washington and yet as he and I wore the same size uniform his strut and demeanor along with his penchant for a snack made big guys a cool thing. We met up again in high school on the football field and as I roll out of bed these days I still ache from a lick he laid on me. We hooked up recently at a party and he told me of his health battle that he was winning. We took a picture together, hugged each other and said we loved each other. That was my last time seeing him. A great teammate and person was Wendell Goins. Why God put us together is just one of those things I guess. For that I am more thankful. RIP Wendell Goins. You will not be forgotten.

  4. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Makeba Giles:
    feeling heartbroken.
    At a loss for words about the passing of my cousin Wendell. So many memories of our great conversations and our times growing up…
    Thank you for all that you gave and many lives that you touched. No more pain. No more suffering.
    Rest well, and give a hug to your father and grandmother up there for me. I love you so much.

  5. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:38 pm

    Cardell Nickels:
    Wendell was my big brother also. He help bring me up as a young man, nothing but love for him and all his family .

  6. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:39 pm

    Wendell Betton:
    I just found out yesterday. I’m sorry for your loss. I thank God for the one day (ever) I had the chance to meet him at The St. Louis Chess Club, about 3 years ago. We had a long discussion as we played a game. He taught me SO MUCH. …and I’m not talking about the chess game… For example, the day he was in a class in college (I think…), and the teacher asked all the students to tell a little about their family line, and where they’re from. Not only were none of the Black students not aware of their family lineage (knowing only that we went through slavery) but, ALL of the other non-Black students knew their family lines well, and pretty far back. And, Wendell told me that made him feel great consternation at the all too common situation that WE don’t know ourselves. He told me after that he would ask people that same familial question, and ALWAYS found that all other races did know where they came from in regards to the family line. He floored me just about as much as he had been all those years.

    So, Wendell was quite the deep seer, of your family… I thank God for him, and I’m happy for his homegoing.

  7. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:39 pm

    Kenneth Brooks
    I’m so shocked and heart broken to know that my long time friend Wendell Goins has went on to be with the Lord. We go back to Walnut Park together and we played baseball and he often encouraged me how to take care of my self of an illness I went through this year. A very talented brother I’m going to miss my good friend I remember the days of baseball practice at Dewight Davis Park when we played for Alderman Kembrough and he had us running laps around the park before and after practice. I will cherish those memories always my brother may the spirit of the Lord welcome you to Heaven’s peaceful shore.
    1Luv my brother

  8. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:40 pm

    Michael Merritt:
    Played many a basketball game in Wendell’s driveway. Played many a sandlot football game on the grass median in front of the house. Went to many a basketball game, wrestling match with my running buddy. Lived on
    the next street down from me. Had many a snack over at the house. The anchor on the offensive line. Teammate and friend forever. My brother always.

  9. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:40 pm

    Jerry Kirkwood? to Wendell Goins:
    August 28 •
    Just got the news of your passing. Wow.Wendell we met in 1968 on a baseball field.
    Then you became my teammate in 72 at Northwest. Over all these years we stayed in touch. Even up to a few weeks ago.
    You fought a tough fight .Will never forget you.
    Love you ,my brother. sadden.

  10. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:41 pm

    Byron Boston
    Really sad to hear my good friend Wendell Goins passed away today. I was very fortunate to hangout with him this pass May in St Louis. He went out of his way to come hangout and I really really appreciated his company. We had a memorable night at the Four Seasons hotel. These pictures represent a couple of memories from a wonderful night with an old high school football buddy.

  11. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:42 pm

    Shelley Reddick JoAnn
    Our friend, Lynette Lumpkins-Murphy instant messaged me early this morning about you, my long time childhood friend Wendell Goins, Jr., that you left us and moved on to be with God our Father. I was so shocked that I questioned her in disbelief! She had to be wrong, No, this can’t be true! I just saw pictures of you dancing at our class reunion just a couple of weeks ago. Surely she was mistaken. Oh boyyyyy, You were such a dynamic force in everyone’s life that you were suppose to live forever! Wow sitting here in shock. We have been friends for over 40 years. Met in the 7th grade at Walnut Park Elementary school in St Louis, Mo. Made eyes back and forth at each other through high school, talked silly kid talk on the phone throughout 8th grade. No matter how much time passed over the years, we would find each other and as friends do, we would talk, email, text, share events that were going on in our world. Wow, so I guess time has come for you to graduate to a higher place huh? It’s God’s will, yes, I understand. Still I will miss you sooooo much my friend, know that you made a great impact from my early life and I won’t forget you for that, EVER! RIP Wendell.

  12. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Jay Hudson:
    About a year ago my tripod mount failed and I needed to record a piece I was doing in St Louis. My lifelong friend Wendell Goins offered to shoot some video for me. I’m so thankful for this day and the time we spent laughing. I just hope there is a cameraman workshop or something up in Heaven Bro! Ha! I’ll miss you always my brother.

  13. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Shelley Reddick JoAnn:
    Your dad was a incredible man that I had the pleasure of growing up with since we became friends in the 7th grade. Wendell never met a stranger. He had the unique ability/personality to immediately become good friends with everyone he met. Gosh, I’m still reeling in disbelief over my friend. My Condolences to you baby girl and your family.

  14. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    Tammy Norman feeling heartbroken.
    Dang Wendell Goins!!!!!!! Gonna miss all your words of wisdom! You will truly be missed!!!!!

  15. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    Troy Rhodes?Wendell Goins

    Had the chance to visit with Wendell Goins at my family gathering in April. I invited him out and he had a ball. Great Private Conversation and I will charise that moment. RIP Sir…. Steven Michael Goins, Clifton Goins Kenneth Goins Barry Goins.. Praying for you guys.. — with Wendell Goins.

  16. Ken Goins on October 10, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    Troy Rhodes?

    Had the chance to visit with Wendell Goins at my family gathering in April. I invited him out and he had a ball. Great Private Conversation and I will charise that moment. RIP Sir…. Steven Michael Goins, Clifton Goins Kenneth Goins Barry Goins.. Praying for you guys.. — with Wendell Goins.

  17. Wilma Jones on October 11, 2016 at 12:44 am

    Allow God to comfort you during your hour of sorrow. He is a very present help, in the time of need. Praying for each of you.

  18. Yolanda Holton on October 11, 2016 at 8:11 am

    Dear Goins Family, The Holton family sends its deepest sympathy for the loss of your beloved, brother, father, son and uncle. May GOD give you comfort and wrap his rms of love around each of you as you mourn your loss.

  19. Nene on October 11, 2016 at 12:38 pm

    Goins Family…
    Where do I start…???
    I will start and end with this…
    Love, Love, Love…
    Loss, Loss, Loss…
    Resting, Resting, Resting…
    Memories, Memories, Memories…
    Never forget you, Never forget you…
    Man, Man, Man…
    Never forget you, Never forget you…
    Love, Love, Love, Love…!!
    Forever, and Ever…
    Wait on me, Wait on me, until…
    I see you again, I see you again…

  20. Kaye Mershon NW76 on October 21, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    May God give you peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing Wendell with us, Northwest High School class of 1976.

  21. Janaiya Goins-West on December 1, 2020 at 4:16 pm

    Papa its crazy, i only met u when i was a baby i never knew anything about this iloveyu man forever in my heart.. i miss u and my momma.

  22. Jayla goins-west on September 8, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    Oh unc/papai miss u i dont really remember meeting u though but i heard i have i love u so u and mama rest up cause when this after life get started we turning up????

  23. Richard H Carter on October 10, 2023 at 4:45 pm

    One of my best friends of ALL TIME and man he could shoot that BASKETBALL like no One else I’ve ever seen.My Friend was a mentor to my son at Mom’s house before he past and it still saddeneds me till this day.What a GREAT PERSON, FRIEND, AND BRUH and I will see him again…

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