William E. Daniels aka “Billy D.”

On January 2, Billy passed away unexpectedly at home at age 50 in St. Louis, Missouri. He died suddenly and was taken too soon. Billy is preceded in death by Mother Diane Widel, Brothers Mike Stoker and Jimmy Stoker, Granny Vivian Leslie, and Aunt Mary Gulley. 

Billy is survived by Uncle Ray Gulley, girlfriend Chrissy Contello, daughter Angie McPherson and her children Dantae, Ariel, Rosalie, and Zane, and many friends that he called family as well. 

Throughout his life, Billy was a lover of live music, heavy metal, and horror films, He enjoyed playing video games and Saturday game nights. He never met an animal that didn’t instantly love him regardless of their temperament. Billy LOVED food, and ordered too much of it. He could spend an entire afternoon tinkering in the garage, aka his room, and swore one day he would ride that scooter to work. 

Billy was a self professed weekend warrior. He enjoyed good times, cold beer and a jager bomb, on Saturday night while hanging out with his girlfriend Chrissy and friends he called his family. 

Billy felt truly at home in the outdoors. He loved fishing, bon fires, riding ATVs, fireworks and the 4th of July. One of his favorite getaways was to Tommy Shaw’s/ Gus’ river property with Setchfield and the boys. 

If you knew Billy, you also knew his competitive side. He was the greatest of all time no matter the activity and didn’t take losing well, but always mixed it with witty comebacks and a happy personality. 

Billy was proud to be a Stage manager/ roadie for many stl cover bands. He got his start hanging out at a band practice in Mike Setchfield’s basement, fell in love with it, and never looked back. In the past, he was associated with Conquest and Happy Handgrenades. He worked hard and became a great stage manager for Malcolm Blitz, Top Gunz, and presently worked for Madman’s Diary Stl, where he will be truly missed and can never be fired again.

Billy was a hard worker and loved by his company and coworkers at Burlington. His compassion always showed as he would always be there to help anyone in need regardless of if they were a stranger. 

Billy was a friend to many, stranger to none, loyal to a fault, and above all else considered his friends his family. 

Ozzy Osbourne said it best. 

“I can’t seem to see you baby 

Although my eyes are open wide 

But I know I’ll see you once more 

When I see you, I’ll see you on the other side 

Yes, I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side 

Leaving, I hate to see you cry 

Grieving, I hate to say good-bye 

Dust and ash forever, yeah 

Though I know we must be parted 

As sure as stars are in the sky 

I’m gonna see when it comes to glory 

And I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side 

Yes, I’ll see you, I’ll see you on the other side” 


No funeral or visitation service will be held.

A celebration of Billy’s life will be held at a later date when the temperature would meet Billy’s approval.


  1. Andy Bannister on January 18, 2024 at 8:41 pm

    Such a stellar, sweet and awesome human being. Great conversations, much fun and much love. I’ll treasure my friendship with Billy forever.

  2. Alan Dierker on January 18, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    The more I have gotten to know Billy over the years the more I have come to think of him as family as well. We’ll miss ya man!

  3. Kaitlyn Maribela Marie on January 18, 2024 at 10:52 pm

    Well, where do i start? My brothers father, michael stoker was like a dad to me growing up which i didnt have. He was there for me when times got rough, so was bill whom i called and looked up to like my uncle. I grew up right down the street from him. I would go over there to escape sometimes, on the weekends, and for almost every single holiday. When i started acting out, as most kids do bill gave me advice, guided me, was there to listen to me, and helped straighten me out to where i needed to be. He was an amazing mentor with a kind heart, was passionate about his music and his horror movies. I watched one of my first horror movies with him actually. I will always cherish the times we had together, i wish i talked to you more lately but ive been so wrapped up with myself and struggling trying to find my place in the world. I hope your mansion in the sky is as amazing as you imagined. I never did tell you enough how much i love you! Give my papa, and Mike a big hug for me💕 May you all guide me and watch over me throughout my pregnancy. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. R.I.P Uncle Bill💕

  4. Tammy on January 19, 2024 at 7:57 am

    Billy was my best friend for over 10 years. He was an uncle to my daughter. I loved every single minute I spent with him. I picked him up every Friday on the way home from work and he spent every weekend with us. He helped us build our property at goose creek from day one. We had many laughs. Shared many secrets. Shed many tears together. I will never forget the times we had together. I am sorry we lost touch these last couple years but you will always hold a special place in my heart.

  5. Beth Dierker on January 20, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    I don’t know where to start because you being gone doesn’t really make sense. Anyone who got the pleasure of knowing you should consider themself lucky. Thank you for making my best friend so happy, she loved you and so did I. Thank you for happily dealing with our household of “princesses”as you called it with a smile. You always helped even when you didn’t want to. Thank you for keeping me off the ladder, I don’t know who will do that now. You always said you didn’t have much family but you were definitely a part of ours and I know you knew that. Our friend/ family group won’t be the same without you and you will always be missed. Rest easy Billy, Saturdays won’t be the same without you, but I promise we will still try new restaurants and have a cocktail because you wouldn’t have it any other way.

  6. Mike Setchfield on January 22, 2024 at 10:46 pm

    Billy became my best friend over the past 20 years many great adventure’s working gigs with my band concerts and going down to our friend Tom’s property. We were always coming up with new projects to do together. If Billy was your friend there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to help you. There is a big hole my world without you my friend. Until we meet again my friend fly high love ya brother

  7. Chrissy Contello on February 24, 2024 at 5:56 pm

    I should not have to write this yet..we should have at least another 30-40 years together . I will never understand Daniels why you left me so early. I was looking forward to growing old with you, and you only being able to hear half of what I told you and forgetting the rest.
    I didn’t know what love was till I met you over nine years ago. It took you awhile to realize I was your girlfriend and how much you loved me. But when you did, that was the best feeling ever. You loved with your whole heart. I knew just by looking in your eyes how much you cared about me and I always felt protected when you put your arms around me. When you walked into the room, or called and screamed girlfriend what are you doing, I still would get butterflies in my stomach. You calling me girlfriend warmed my heart, because I truly knew how happy we made each other. You loved me truly, even all my faults. Loving you was an easy task and saying goodbye to you truly broke me. I miss you so much and my heart is truly broken.
    We shared so many memories over the years and experienced so much life together this is the part that is the hardest, you no longer standing beside me. We had so many more memories to make and experiences to have together. Now I have to figure out how to do them without you.
    Saturdays will still happen even though it will feel different without you here.
    I will wake up on Saturday morning and make Abbi eggs and not be able to share them with you. Breakfast was your favorite and don’t forget the chocolate milk. If we go to a new restaurant I will order the extra taco in your honor, I will still argue with Beth over Monopoly properties since you won’t be here to share in it, and I will give Alan all my draw 5 in evil Uno. All the beers are really mine now. The age old question will still be asked on Saturday night WHAT ARE WE GOING TO PLAY?
    We will be taking that Florida trip you were so looking forward to. I will drink a Yuengling and a shot on the beach to toast you, but I’m not going on your fishing trip. Because I will puke, drown, or both.
    I miss your smile, laugh, witty comebacks, hugs that took away my pain, you holding my hand or rubbing my back when you knew I needed it, your kisses that made bad days better, you being my protector even killing all the bugs, your love for Abbi (I can’t do airplane in the yard like you did. she just looks at me like that’s not right and I will try and let her be a dog sometimes. She still looks for you out the back door, and it breaks my heart even more.), your humongous heart that loved the world, and the list could go and on because you were my rockstar. Billy Daniels you were my person and I will love you forever. It was an honor to call you my boyfriend I will never forget you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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