Geneda Kathryn Priscu

Our Dear Mother Geneda Kathryn Priscu, passed away on 7/7/2022 after a long and full life. She was very loved and will be missed terribly. She loved her family and her piano, the casino, and cooking delicious foods.

She is survived by her children Thomas, George, Charles Daniel Jeanette, Randy and Janice. She was a wonderful mother, grandmother, aunt, and friend.

The Nightingale

My beautiful mother, my angle precious nightingale,
You are now free in Heaven to sing and praise our Lord without a worldly care.

I hope that God in all his might will in a dream let me see how He now in arms holds landfills you with Eternal joy and peace. To see you laugh and hear you sing in God’s presence is my dream.

If you would like to pay your respects, you are welcome to attend the memorial at St. Louis cremation. Chouteau Ave St. Louis Mo/ From 1pm -4pm


  1. bunny on January 8, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    I will miss her forever. Her I loved so much. Love you, mama. Love bun

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