Dealing With Your Grief In Your Way

cremation service in St. Louis, MO

When you have a cremation service in St. Louis, MO for a loved one, one thing that you will notice is that a lot of people in your life have advice about grief. Lots of others have been through grief themselves and, though they intend well, their grief is not yours. They went through something that, on the surface, might sound similar (or not), but again, they aren’t you. Your grief is yours and yours along and everyone grieves in a different way. While you might try some advice you are given, don’t feel bad if it doesn’t work for you. You have to find your own way through your grief. Here are a few things you might want to try but again, you do what works best for you.

Reflect With Alone Time

While you won’t want to spend all of your time alone and isolated because that wouldn’t be good for you either, some people grieve better on their own with time to reflect, cry, and think things through. There’s nothing up with holing up in your home alone from time to time to reflect and grieve by yourself. If that’s what feels best to you, allow yourself that time.

Talk With Others

funeral homeWhile some people internalize their emotions, others just want to talk to someone about what they are going through. If it feels good to talk, find a trusted friend who is willing to listen. If you aren’t sure where to turn, perhaps a grief group or a counselor would be a good fit for you. It can help you feel less alone.

Set Goals

If you want to see progress in your grief, it can feel good to set goals for yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach them all, however. You might, for example, set a goal to get dressed tomorrow and go for a walk. The next day, perhaps a trip to the supermarket would be in order. The goals can be small, but they give you something to reach for as you attempt to find a new normal.

Set Up Memorials

Part of grieving for you might be making sure your loved one isn’t forgotten. You may want to memorialize them in some way, either for everyone or just for yourself. You could dedicate a park bench for them with a plaque, plant a tree somewhere, get a carved rock for your own garden, or any number of other things.

If you are in the midst of planning a cremation service in St. Louis, MO for a loved one, the professionals at St. Louis Cremation are here for you. We’ll take good care of your loved one and make sure they are treated with nothing but dignity and respect every step of the way. Once the cremation services are behind you, grieving can be very hard as well. There’s no defined timeline or certain stages you have to walk through. You simply have to do what works for you to get through it all.


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