Chrystle Dwiggins
Chrystle Dwiggins left this world for a far better place on June 22nd, 2019. Sixty one years young, she was surrounded by her family and took her final breaths while listening to her favorite song, The Dance, by Garth Books. Her transition was peaceful and she knew she was loved.
Diagnosed in the fall of 2015 with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, Chrystle inspired so many people by sharing her journey and putting up one of the greatest fights of all time. Her love for her kids and those she cared for is why she fought so hard. She wanted more time with them and to make beautiful memories. She taught all of us the importance of time and being present. Quality time with those she loved was her most prized possession. She taught us all how precious life is; one of the most powerful gifts she ever gave.
Chrystle exuded love and kindness. She gave her undivided attention, offering thoughtful advice when needed and a helping hand in anyway she could. She touched so many lives because of her genuine concern and love for others. She celebrated the joys in others lives and welcomed everyone with her beautiful smile. She showed love, strength and perseverance.
Chrystle took everything in stride and truly made the most of all situations. Her ability to make those around her laugh was unmatched. She was witty and had a sharp sense of humor. Her boisterous, cackling laughter was infectious! It brought joy and sunshine to everyone who was lucky enough to hear it.
Growing up in Kansas, Chrystle was a daddy’s girl. She had a joyful childhood on her family farm with her siblings Leonard, Ron, Steve, Gin and Patty. She loved her Mom’s homemade apple butter. The Kansas family is a tight knit group that she adored visiting and loved them all deeply. If there was a cause to celebrate, you could bet that the Kansas family would be together enjoying each others company. Those were such fond memories for Chrystle. Her parents, Lula Mae and Ralph Stirton, awaited her arrival in heaven.
As a mother to Morgan, Megan, Amber and Aaron, Chrystle worked hard. At one point she worked at Con Agra, and at her in-laws motels, and the produce garden that her and her husband, Neal, owned. They took great pride in their garden and in the fall would set up their stand of pumpkins, hot cider and hay bales. Chris, along with Morgan and Megan, would be dressed in full makeup and costumes as a witches while Neal would dress as Count Dracula.
Her love for her children was indescribable. Even in her final moments she repeated the phrase, “I love my kids, I love my kids”. She always made time for them, supported them and loved them unconditionally.
Having 12 grandchildren, she always shined in her role as Non/Nonnie/Nonny. She was the grandma who would roll around in the grass with them, be the loudest to cheer them on at their games or competitions, play with them, and spoil them with love and compassion. Although she didn’t have the ability to have relationships with all of her grandchildren, she loved each and everyone of them.
After 36 years of marriage, Neal and Chrystle remained best friends to the very end. One of her favorite parts of her day was her morning coffee with him and their phone conversations throughout the day.
If you were extremely close to Chrystle, then you probably have one of her beautiful crocheted blankets. She loved the ability to offer gifts that were personal to her. Her granddaughter, Sydney, taught her how to find educational videos and she loved finding new patterns to make different styles of blankets.
We celebrate Chrystle’s life. She will not be remembered by your cancer but by her grace, love, strength and perseverance. She was a force to be reckoned with; a real life superwoman. Heaven gained one of the greatest women of all time. She will be forever missed.
There will be a graveside service on Saturday, June 29th at 1pm and directly following will be a celebration of life at the First Baptist Church of Bevier, Mo. She wanted to be sure everyone enjoyed cookies as chocolate chip cookies were her favorite.
At the cemetery anyone who would like to share a story about Chrystle or talk about her will have a chance to share.
Cemetery: Antioch Cemetery, Bevier, Mo
Directions from Hwy 36:
Take Route C south of Bevier.
Turn west on Hager St. back to the west and go 1.3 miles down the road. Follow all the way down, past two white farm houses. You will run into the cemetery as it’s a dead end road.
You will pass two white farm houses.
Celebration of Life: First Baptist Church 411 N Macon St, Bevier, Mo 63532
In lieu of flowers there is a memorial fund set up that will go towards purchasing a tree and paver in Forest Park in St. Louis. It was a place that brought Chrystle comfort and joy as she spent a lot of time overlooking the park while at Barnes Jewish Hospital. A paver at the Hospice House where she spent her final days will also be purchased as she received the most wonderful care and felt at home there.
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