When You Miss The Cremation Service

cremation services in St. Louis, MO

Life gets busy and you aren’t always to be all of the places you want to be. When a family member, or perhaps a friend’s family member, passes on and there are going to be cremation services in St. Louis, MO, you might not be able to make it to the services. Whether they are out of town and too far away for you to travel in time or nearby and at a bad time, if you can’t make it, there are other things you can do.

If It Was A Family Member

If it was a family member of yours who passed on, you may have some grief or your own to deal with. You might want to see if the service is going to be recorded or livestreamed so you can get a copy or watch it from home. If not, you might want to consider having a memorial service of your own so you can get the closure you need and say a final goodbye. One of the nice things about cremation is you can have as many memorials as you want without question. Perhaps you can gather some family or close friends when you are able to pull something together to share memories, even if you couldn’t make the main service.

If It Was A Friend’s Relative

If a friend of yours lost someone and you can’t make the service, you still want them to know you are there to support them. Perhaps you want to send a card and some flowers or even a gift basket with an assortment of things. Let them know you are sorry for their loss and you are also sorry that you couldn’t make the service. Offer to do something for them during their grieving process and follow up that offer with a phone call later. Try to check in with them as well after their family has dispersed and they are more on their own. They might need your support more at that point than around the services, anyway.

cremation services in St. Louis, MOIt’s not always possible to make it to final services, even if you really want to be there to honor a loved one or to support a friend. But you can do things around the service that help your own grief, or help to let a friend know you are there for them.

If you are invited to cremation services in St. Louis, MO, but you can’t make it, there are things you can do to honor someone or support a friend going through the grieving process. The professionals at St. Louis Cremation are here to implement and plan cremation services, but we are also here to support those on the sidelines who want to do something, but aren’t sure what. Give us a call and let us in on your circumstances and we will try to help you with whatever needs you have. We are here to support you through this hard time, whether it’s your loved one or that of a friend.